-10,00 € Neu Anhänge 1-3 Lieferzeittage GLOVE GLU MEGAGRIP GLOVE CARE SYSTEM 10268075_RPB900335_000/0 39,95 € 49,95 € Premium Glove Wash & Prepare (120ml) - Removes dirt from the latex area of goalkeeping gloves using the exclusive DirTECH formula, lifting dirt particles away from the surface, improving the performance of the gloves and a providing a longer glove life. glovefresh (120ml) - Keep your gloves smelling fresh & odour free with our unique antibacterial... In den Warenkorb Einheitsgröße
-20,00 € Neu Anhänge 1-3 Lieferzeittage GLOVE ECO WASH KIT 10268074_RPB900228_000/0 19,95 € 39,95 € You are well advised to go for the model in black. The Glove Glu brand is bringing a first-class product to the market with the cleaner. We recommend this super comfortable model, which is also excellently made. You get optimal protection and high durability. PRODUCT DETAILS: Features: super comfortable In den Warenkorb Einheitsgröße
-5,00 € Neu Anhänge 1-3 Lieferzeittage Goalkeeper GloveGlu MEGAGrip 250ml 10268073_RPB90072301_000/0 34,95 € 39,95 € Here comes the Glove Glu glove cleaner in black, which provides you with optimal equipment. Product details: 1 piece In den Warenkorb Einheitsgröße
-8,00 € Neu Zubehör GLOVE GLU STOP´EM SMELLING SPRAY RPB600102/X 11,95 € 19,95 € The Glove Glu equipment in black provides you with wonderful equipment. You can rely on a capacity of 0.3 liters with this equipment. PRODUCT DETAILS: Capacity: 0.250 liters In den Warenkorb Einheitsgröße